Saturday, October 20, 2018

Bullboards Expect Big News This Week

From the Bullboards:

International growth requires a huge bank roll and a partnership with a global brand that has the expertise in such and that has long tenured business relationships reaching every nook and cranny of this planet. International growth also requires the exposure that the NYSE will provide APH and partner to the capital markets of the world. The real money. The ocean of green and not the pond of pennies called Canada. That being said, three things will happen. Two of which you already know. A multinational takes a minority stake in APH with the intent of full control in the future. Secondly, APH uplists to the NYSE. Finally, knowing Vic, our CEO and other key players build into the agreement with the equity partner that they stay on to manage APH for a few years to nurture this fledgling company along and in doing so, they protect and increase the value of their millions of shares. It's a win win for both parties. You already know my thoughts on who the equity partner is. In a short period of time I believe that theory will become reality. Thanks to my good friend for the use of his account . He really needs a lesson from me on how to post links. Lol. His failed attempts last night were pretty amusing but certainly appreciated. Shortly, many of us will be crossing the fini$h line. It is my pleasure to do that with the many longs that persevered and held strong. Take care and best of health to all. The PROF


Waking up to this Meaningful Thoughtful Discussion (How Truly Refreshing)
If I Was to say to this Board a Private Plane Landed at Windsor Airport and a Group of Suits Exited 
the Plane along with the Prime Minister of Canada, they then Proceeded to Windsor Assembly where They Spent the next 4 hours, Upon Leaving they were seen having Lunch at The Keg(I use this Story only as and Example)

 I Then Posted this Story to the Board and the Bashers and Shorters had field day with me, only to be revealed the next day in the media that my story was True !, ( It's hard to put yourself out there )
Full disclosure I have been reading this board an investing in Aphria since 2016 10,000 shares I only recently became a member, I have not sold a share, I am all in ! 

 So will it be Diageo or will it be Altria or both ?! I cannot say, but instead of having Pocket Aces we May have a Royal Flush ! 


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