Canadian Seniors get 1018.00 per mth pension...
X 12 months = $12,144.00 annual income
Versus a monthly pension of: $1,890.00 to a simple refugee
plus : 580.00 in social aid
A grand total of : $2,470.00 monthly
X 12 months
$28,920.00 annual income
· A difference of : $16,776.00 per year
Perhaps our senior citizens should ask for the Status of Refugees instead of applying for Old Age Pension.
And now the Brampton MP Is Trying To Get Pensions For Immigrants After 3 years in Canada?

Go To Carp Canadian Association Of Retired People and send an email to your MP
send an email here:
Here is a sample of what you can send to your MP
Please DO NOT VOTE FOR BILL #C-428 - Old Age Pension Reform This is not a bill that should be supported by Canadian taxpayers.I will vote against ANY member of parliment that supports this bill. I have signed a petition that has signatures from 33033 Canadian Taxpayers who oppose this bill. We will oppose any MP in the next election who supports this bill.
This is the link: !"!"
And Sign The Petition In The Window Below And Help Kill The Bill!