The 4 Top Buying Houses Are Pro Traders
The Largest Sellers Are Retail Based Bank Trades
RBC,BMO,National Bank
Anonymouse is just dragging down the price so that Pro Traders Can Absorb Shares

Thomas Weisel Is A Net Buyer in the Last 30 Days Of 147,900 Shares or Net $444,855.00
Do you think they are buying because they have fear of a dry hole or a failed sale of Argentina Assetts.
Give your head a shake your eyes are stuck.
Anonymous is manipulating the stock down while Weisel absorbs shares at lower prices.
The game Weisel is playing is working perfectly.
They are causing sheeple to sell while absorbing shares cheap.
The great news is pending and the smart money is causing the stock to fall to allow them to swallow up cheap shares.
The sheeple are getting sheared ahead of the news, this is a suckers paradise.
Did you sell?
You should be buying every share you can get your hands on!
The sheeple are getting sheared ahead of the news, this is a suckers paradise.
Did you sell?
You should be buying every share you can get your hands on!
Buy Now And Thank Me Later
Use this weakness to accumulate more stock, retail sheep are being fleeced for their shares
They bought High and are now selling low, typical sheeple shearing, thats why retail small buyers never make any money, they sell when they should be buying!
As much as it has climbed in the last 2 months, there are 2 major catalysts that can double this stock in the next 2 mths.
#1 Testing Of Petrolifera's La Pinta Well In Colombia To Commence June 6, 2009;
#2 And the Buy Out Of Argentina's Assets : ProspectivePurchasersArgentina Bids Extended To July 10, 2009
Petrolifera(C$3.00,C$0.20,7.1%)has extended the deadline for submissionsof bidsrelatedto thepotentialpurchase of its Argentinean operations toJuly10 at therequestof anumber of interested parties. It also saidtesting of itsLaPintaNo. 1well on the Sierra Nevada License inColombia isexpectedtostartSaturday.
Solid cash flow, profitability and favorable commodity pricing realized in Argentina during Q1
• Plan of Arrangement for asset backed commercial paper restructuring completed; related line of credit expanded to $28.2 million and borrowings reclassified as long term, which improved
working capital and enhanced liquidity
Daily sales volumes
Crude oil and natural gas liquids - bbl/d 5,245 6,726 (22)
Natural gas - mcf/d 6,500 7,044 (8)
Barrels of oil equivalent - boe/d (2) 6,328 7,900 (20)
Average selling prices
Crude oil and natural gas liquids - $/bbl $ 52.17 $ 41.99 24
Natural gas - $/mcf $ 2.98 $ 2.20 35
Barrels of oil equivalent - $/boe $ 46.30 $ 37.72 23
Common shares outstanding (000s)
Weighted average
Basic 54,948 50,212 9
Diluted 55,195 51,562 7
End of period 54,948 50,353 9
Petrolifera Petroleum LimitedisaCalgary-basedcrudeoil and natural gas exploration,developmentandproductioncompanyactive in South America. Petroliferaholdsinterestsinapproximatelyeight million acres of petroleum andnaturalgas rightsinten onshoreconcessions or licenses in Argentina
ConnacherOilandGasLimited of Calgary, Alberta was responsible forthecreationandfinancingof Petrolifera and owns 24 percentofPetrolifera'sshares.Connacher alsoprovides some managementservicesto Petrolifera.
Board of Directors
Richard A. Gusella
Executive Chairman
Gary D. Wine
President and Chief Operating Officer