Petrolifera Petroleum Limited Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Operations and Cost Analysis – 2008 (Global Data)
* Market: Energy and Utilities
* Published Date: 19/06/2009
* Report Title: Petrolifera Petroleum Limited Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Operations and Cost Analysis – 2008
* View Report Summary: View Report Summary
* Report Type: Market Report
* Country: Global
* Number of Pages: 44
Key Information 1
Key Ratios 1
Table Of Contents 2
List of Tables 3
List of Figures 4
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Production and Reserves Trends 6
Total Oil and Gas, Reserves and Production 6
Total Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production and Reserves Trend, 2003-08 6
Total Crude Oil & Natural Gas Production and Reserves By Country/Region, 2003-08 7
Total Crude Oil and Natural Gas Reserve Changes, 2003-08 8
Crude Oil/Liquids Production and Reserve 9
Crude Oil/Liquids Production and Reserve Trend, 2003-08 9
Crude Oil Production and Reserves By Country/Region, 2003-08 10
Crude Oil/Liquids Reserve Changes, 2003-08 11
Natural Gas Production and Reserve 12
Natural Gas Production and Reserve Trend, 2003-08 12
Natural Gas Production and Reserves, By Country/Region, 2003-08 13
Natural Gas Reserve Changes, 2003-08 14
Total Crude Oil and Natural Gas Reserves Life Index 15
Total Crude Oil and Natural Gas Reserves Life Index, 2003-08 15
Total Crude Oil and Natural Gas Reserves Life Index, By Country/Region, 2003-08 16
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, E&P Costs Trends 18
Allocation of the Upstream Capital Expenditure 18
Upstream Capital Expenditure, 2003-08 18
Acquisition Costs By Country/Region, 2003-08 19
Exploration and Development Costs, By Country/Region, 2003-08 20
Oil and Gas Cost Per Boe, $/boe 21
Oil and Gas Cost Per Boe, $/boe, 2003-08 21
Oil and Gas Cost Per Boe, $/boe, By Country/Region, 2003-08 22
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Reserve Replacement Ratio 24
Oil and Gas Production Replacement Ratio 24
Oil and Gas Production Replacement Ratio, 2003-08 24
Oil and Gas Production Replacement Ratio, By Country/Region, 2003-08 25
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Results of Oil & Gas Operations Trend 29
Oil and Gas Revenue and Expenses 29
Oil and Gas Revenue and Expenses, 2003-08 29
Oil and Gas Revenue and Expenses, By Country/Region, 2003-08 29
Oil and Gas Revenue and Expenses, Per Boe 30
Oil and Gas Revenue and Expenses, By Boe, 2003-08 30
Oil and Gas Revenue and Expenses Per Boe, By Country/Region, 2003-08 30
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Land Holdings and Well Data 31
Developed and Undeveloped Acreage 31
Gross and Net Developed and Undeveloped Acreage, 2003-08 31
Gross and Net Developed and Undeveloped Acreage, By Country/Region, 2003-08 32
Well Statistics 33
Producible Oil and Gas Well, 2003-08 33
Producible Oil and Gas Well, By Country/Region, 2003-08 34
Exploration and Development Wells Drilled, 2003-08 38
Exploration and Development Wells Drilled, By Country/Region, 2003-08 39
Developed Reserves per Well, Oil (Mbbls per Well), Gas (MMcf per Well), Oil & Gas (Mboe per Well), 2003-08 39
Developed Reserves per Well, By Country/Region, 2003-08 40
Appendix 42
Methodology 42
Coverage 42
Secondary Research 43
Primary Research 43
Key Economic Assumptions 43
Expert Panel Validation 43
Unit Of Measure 44
Disclosure information 44
About GlobalData 44
Contact Us 44
Disclaimer 44
List of Tables
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Key Facts 1
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Key Ratios 1
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Key Costs Per Boe, $/boe, 2008 1
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Crude Oil and Natural Gas, Production and Reserves, MMboe, 2003-08 6
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Crude Oil & Natural Gas Production and Reserves, By Country/Region, MMboe, 2003-08 7
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Crude Oil and Natural Gas Reserve Changes, MMboe, 2003-08 8
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Crude Oil Production and Reserves Metrics, MMbbl, 2003-08 9
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Crude Oil Production and Reserves, By Country/Region, MMbbl, 2003-08 10
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Crude Oil Reserve Changes, MMbbl, 2003-08 11
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Natural Gas Production and Reserves Metrics, Bcf, 2003-08 12
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Natural Gas Production and Reserves, By Country/Region, Bcf, 2003-08 13
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Natural Gas Reserve Changes, Bcf, 2003-08 14
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Oil and Gas Reserves Life Index, Years, 2003-08 15
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Oil and Gas Reserves Life Index, By Country/Region, Years, 2003-08 17
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Upstream Capital Expenditure, $ Million, 2003-08 18
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Proved and Unproved Acquisition Costs, By Country/Region, $ Million, 2003-08 19
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Exploration and Development Costs, By Country/Region, $ Million, 2003-08 20
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Reserves Replacement, Finding and Development Costs, Finding Cost and Proved Acquisition Costs Per Boe, $/boe, 2003-08 21
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Reserves Replacement, Finding and Development Costs, Finding Cost and Proved Acquisition Costs Per Boe, $/boe, By Country/Region, 2003-08 23
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Oil and Gas Production Replacement Ratio, %, 2003-08 24
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt.Avg. Oil and Gas Production Replacement Ratio, By Country/Region, %, 2003-08 28
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Revenue and Expenses, $ Million, 2003-08 29
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Revenue and Expenses, By Country/Region, $ Million, 2003-08 29
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Oil and Gas Revenue and Expenses, $/Boe, 2003-08 30
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Oil and Gas Revenue and Expenses, $/Boe, By Country/Region, 2003-08 30
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Land Holdings (Developed and Undeveloped Acreage), Acres, 2003-08 31
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Land Holdings (Developed and Undeveloped Acreage), By Country/Region, Acres, 2003-08 32
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Producible Oil and Gas Wells, 2003-08 33
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Producible Oil and Gas Wells, By Country/Region, 2003-08 37
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Exploratory and Developed Wells, 2003-08 38
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Exploratory and Developed Wells, By Country/Region, 2003-08 39
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Developed Reserves per Well, Oil (Mbbls per Well), Gas (MMcf per Well), Oil & Gas (Mboe per Well), 2003-08 39
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Developed Reserves per Well, By Country/Region, Mboe per Well, 2003-08 41
List of Figures
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Crude Oil and Natural Gas, Production and Reserves, MMboe, 2003-08 6
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Oil & Gas Production, By Country/Region, MMBOE, 2003-08 7
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Proved Oil & Gas Reserves, By Country/Region, MMBOE, 2003-08 7
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Crude Oil and Natural Gas Reserve Changes, MMboe, 2008 8
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Crude Oil Production and Reserves Metrics, MMbbl, 2003-08 9
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Oil Production, By Country/Region, MMbbl, 2003-08 10
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Proved Oil Reserves, By Country/Region, MMbbl, 2003-08 10
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Crude Oil Reserve Changes, MMbbl, 2008 11
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Natural Gas Production and Reserves Metrics, Bcf, 2003-08 12
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Gas Production, By Country/Region, Bcf, 2003-08 13
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Proved Gas Reserves, By Country/Region, Bcf, 2003-08 13
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Natural Gas Reserve Changes, Bcf, 2008 14
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Oil and Gas Reserves Life Index, Years, 2003-08 15
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Gas Reserve Life Index, By Country/Region, Years, 2003-08 16
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Oil & Gas Reserve Life Index, By Country/Region, Years, 2003-08 16
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Oil Reserve Life Index, By Country/Region, Years, 2003-08 17
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Upstream Capital Expenditure, $ Million, 2003-08 18
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Proved Acquisition Costs, By Country/Region, $ Million, 2003-08 19
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Unproved Acquisition Costs, By Country/Region, $ Million, 2003-08 19
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Development Costs, By Country/Region, $ Million, 2003-08 20
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Exploration Costs, By Country/Region, $ Million, 2003-08 20
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt.Avg., Reserves Replacement, Finding and Development Costs, Finding Cost and Proved Acquisition Costs Per Boe, $/boe, 2003-08 21
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt. Avg. Oil & Gas Finding & Development Cost per boe, By Country/Region, $/BOE, 2003-08 22
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt. Avg. Oil & Gas Finding Cost per boe, By Country/Region, $/BOE, 2003-08 22
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt. Avg. Reserve Replacement Cost per boe, By Country/Region, $/BOE, 2003-08 23
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt.Avg., Oil and Gas Production Replacement Ratio, %, 2003-08 24
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt. Avg. Gas F&D Production Replacement, By Country/Region, %, 2003-08 25
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt. Avg. Gas RRC Production Replacement, By Country/Region, %, 2003-08 25
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt. Avg. Oil & Gas F&D Production Replacement, By Country/Region, %, 2003-08 26
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt. Avg. Oil & Gas RRC Production Replacement, By Country/Region, %, 2003-08 26
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt. Avg. Oil F&D Production Replacement, By Country/Region, %, 2003-08 27
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, 3-Year Wt. Avg. Oil RRC Production Replacement, By Country/Region, %, 2003-08 27
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Revenue and Expenses, $ Million, 2003-08 29
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Oil and Gas Revenue and Expenses, $/Boe, 2003-08 30
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Land Holdings (Developed and Undeveloped Acreage), Acres, 2003-08 31
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Gross Undeveloped Acreage, By Country/Region, Acres, 2003-08 32
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Total Net Undeveloped Acreage, By Country/Region, Acres, 2003-08 32
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Producible Oil and Gas Wells, 2003-08 33
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Gross Producible Gas Wells, By Country/Region, Number, 2003-08 34
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Gross Producible Oil & Gas Wells, By Country/Region, Number, 2003-08 34
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Gross Producible Oil Wells, By Country/Region, Number, 2003-08 35
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Net Oil & Gas Wells as % of Gross Oil & Gas Wells, By Country/Region, %, 2003-08 35
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Net Producible Gas Wells, By Country/Region, Number, 2003-08 36
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Net Producible Oil & Gas Wells, By Country/Region, Number, 2003-08 36
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Net Producible Oil Wells, By Country/Region, Number, 2003-08 37
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Exploratory and Developed Wells, 2003-08 38
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Developed Gas Reserves per Well (MMcf per Well), By Country/Region, 2003-08 40
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Developed Oil & Gas Reserves per Well (Mboe per Well), By Country/Region, 2003-08 40
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited, Developed Oil Reserves per Well (Mbbls per Well), By Country/Region, 2003-08 41