The Blogger says...
"Cancer has taken my mother and my younger sister and it seems that every family is hit by this dreaded disease. Take some of those gains in the market in the last 10 weeks and help Cancer be beaten!
Alexander is my nephew, he is proof that Cancer can be beaten. Please make a small pledge to help him reach his goal this year!"

I am a survivor of acute lymphocytic leukemia. I was diagnosed with cancer when I was 2 1/2 and fought for 3 full years. I am now 16 and I have seen the reaches of cancer. It does not target the young or the old, the poor or the rich. It targets so many different people.
It's targeted my friends and family. I've seen it tear people apart leaving them in a state where you feel you could have no hope, but the thing is, as long as people are working and helping to find a cure there will always be hope.
Please pledge me and help make cancer history.
I am walking in this relay for people I love, people I miss, and people who I don't even know. To the people who have inspired me, thank you, now let's make cancer history!
Online pledging is secure and it saves the Society money by reducing administrative costs.
Thanks for your support!