Re: RE: Recent insider sales, birch
in response to Re: RE: Recent insider sales, birch by Rocco90
posted on Feb 03, 09 06:22PM
As promised, I did follow up with Anela today to ask about insider sales. She did confirm that Ian Nicholson sold 25,000 shares at $2.01 per share and 20,800 shares at $2.14 on the 6th of January for tax purposes. He still holds 156,200 shares.
So, I wasn't dreaming. In fact, what I have found out is that sometimes when insiders sell and those amounts get put into larger blocks, the TSX insider trading summaries show the entire block as an insider trade. Perhaps why I was so shocked at the size. There is usually an adendum that follows later the next day separating these out. Just learned something new.
This all being said, I asked the question of you because there are many in the forum that seem to be more in tune with day to day occurances in the company than I, so just wanted to know what anyone else knew, wondering whether or not it was the right time to buy more. Didn't think some would see that as a negative (impacting my points/rating), but only as positive input to keep an eye on what is going on. I am a novice at this, so I will keep watching and not ask questions like this.
Truely sorry again.
All the best.
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