market funds around the world earning next to nothing.
ate that price tipping point. One of the important things
profit. It’s owned as a long-term investment and all the 5
trillion. So it’s the incremental increase in investment
world which in my view is going to drive it higher.
even talked about it, all of a sudden it’s the big rage. So
ple of companies that you are following.
table. There are 16 of them with complicated names with
way too many syllables. I’ve actually finally memorized
form is very, very rare. So there are a few major deposits
needs. California’s Mountain Pass deposit supplied eve-
production. We have had a bit of a holiday in terms of
magnets, display panels and so on. But now new techno-
technologies. For the next four years or so there will be
no mine outside of China could be developed. China
the primary supplier to the world. So they are starting to
earths. If anybody needs these raw materials for their
created. China, in a way, is doing the West a favor by
on alert to the problem and the solution is very simple.
Put those non-Chinese deposits that have rare earth ele-
I think the rare earth mania can go completely insane over
ments into production. It will take at least four years (4-8
the next while because you cannot quantify the limit of
years) to push most of them through the development
how big this could get, especially when you start control-
cycle, even those which already have the pounds in the
ling the downstream applications – the alloys and all the
ground because this is a very complicated business.
other special metals you can create by adding rare earths.
Processing the ore to extract these metals is not as sim-
You can’t add uranium to very much except nuclear
ple as it is with base or precious metals. There are
bombs and that’s not a viable business, but with rare
lengthy R&D periods to create the right process. So the
earths you can. So I expect the mania to produce extraor-
timing is now. Get these things financed, get them going
dinary valuations for those companies which control
and then the big companies can start making decisions
these deposits, not because you can do the math and get
about where will we build millions of electric cars, be-
a net present value calculation that’s worth $1 billion or $2
cause if they don’t have these magic ingredients, there is
billion, but because the strategic value of long-term con-
no point doing any of that. Rare earth mania has global
trol of these raw materials is going to lie in the imagina-
appeal because in a sense it is linked to the future of the
tion of the visionaries behind the big, large corporations
planet as a viable planet.
that are controlling the economic future of the world.
D.P: Now you are mentioning this rare earth mania, a lot
D.P: That’s good preliminary, but now we get to the meat
of rare earth stocks have just flown in the last six months.
of the matter and that’s getting some names to watch. So
It kind of reminds me of uranium two or three years ago
with the gold sector, which would be some of your favor-
when uranium went through the roof and then all of a sud-
ite picks at this time and also in the rare earth metals? Of
den just died. We saw six companies become 600 and
interest, seeing as we’ve just spent some time in Ketchi-
many of those 600 have since disappeared. Are you now
kan, Alaska, what would be your thoughts at this time for
suggesting that rare earth could fly for some time?
one junior explorer – Ucore Uranium?
J.K: I will say there are similarities and differences be-
J.K: Let’s start with gold. A lot of gold companies have
tween uranium and the rare earth elements. The similarity
already started to move in anticipation of higher gold
is that uranium itself is less than 5% of the cost of running
prices. One that I would be watching that’s only moved
a nuclear power plant. So it is quite insensitive to price.
modestly and has a valuation that’s still fairly cheap is
You are going to need your nuclear fuels no matter what
Brett Resources (BBR). They have a 4.8 million ounce gold
the price is. The rare earth elements are like that too. So
deposit in Ontario that can be developed as a low cost
they can see their prices go up substantially if suddenly
open pit mine. It’s not so great at $900 gold, but it is in the
there is a shortage. But unlike uranium, there are not a lot
kind of scenario where I am envisioning $1200 - $1500
of rare earth deposits in the world. There are lots of rare
gold in real terms without oil having soared to $200 a bar-
earth showings, little veins here and there, but the major
rel. They have fewer than 100 million shares outstanding
systems are few and far between, especially enriched with
and control 5 million ounces of gold. I can see this stock
rare earth elements.
becoming a $5.00 to $10.00 stock if people realize that
gold has finally breached $1000 and is going to stay
above that level and gradually move higher over the next
There are lots of uranium deposits all over the world, so it
two years.
was predictable that when the uranium prices shot up be-
cause of a shortage of supply, there were going to be hun-
For rare earths, one of the earliest ones I recommended
dreds of companies all boasting pounds of uranium in the
was Avalon Rare Metals (AVL) and I originally picked it as a
ground. There is another important difference between
“bottom fish” in 2005 at $0.15. I recommended it again in
uranium and rare earth. With uranium – you can predict
2007 at about $1.75 after I visited the project. I had to en-
future demand. The predictions are correct that there is
dure it going to $0.30 in the crash of 2008, but I stuck to
an imbalance and a lot more uranium deposits have to go
my guns in recommending it and it’s now in the $3.50 -
into production to meet the demand as these 40 to 70
$4.00 range, properly financed and one of the more ad-
power plants on the drawing board eventually come on
vanced companies.
stream. Rare earths are different as their special proper-
ties open up material science research opportunities. If
Another one which is a much more recent recommenda-
these raw materials are actually available, the work will go
tion is Quest Uranium (QUC) and this is a refugee from the
into finding out what these things can do, developing
uranium sector which had managed to stake an area cov-
commercial applications and setting plans to commercial-
ering part of the Strange Lake deposit. They have rein-
ize them. You could see the market for these rare earth
vented themselves as a rare earth company.
elements blossom in ways that are unimaginable.
This one has shot from the ten cent level where I recommended it in late April, to as high as $2.94 recently and
there are some major developments taking shape which we now feel have the potential to be one of the rare earth
stocks that goes to $10 to $20. As a large $15 to $20 billion gross value for rare earth pounds in the ground starts
to take shape as it already has for Avalon, I expect big money to come in and say, yes, we need to throw $50 or
$100 million at this project to push it through the feasibility cycle, for we see a footprint capable of delivering a 30 –
50 year supply from this deposit. At current prices the market is valuing Quest's Strange Lake project at about $120
million, which is cheap compared to evaluations we saw during the uranium boom.
Right now we just finished a tour of the Bokan Mountain property which Ucore Uranium (UCU) controls and is an-
other company which started as a uranium project which happened to include rare earth deposits that had been
outlined by government geologists 25 years ago. These have the unusual quality of having very elevated grades of
heavy rare earth elements which are the more obscure ones that are now coming into vogue. The Bokan Project is
extremely interesting because it has never been formally explored, but it has all these back-of–the-napkin calcula-
tions done by smart geologists. This was done as part of a scoping study for the U.S. Military, which wanted to
know where it could get these heavy rare earths if a problem emerged where they could not get them from normal
sources such as China. Now it is owned by the private sector (Ucore Uranium) and they are at the stage where they
need to raise in my view, another $5 to $10 million right away to get the machinery in place to delineate the main
dyke system and start exploring the system's potential for much more than the ten to 20 year supply metal the gov-
ernment geologists saw in the dykes. It is upside in the form of a 20 to 50 year supply which deep-pocketed inves-
tors are seeking. So far, what I am seeing is very encouraging. Bokan has good grades and an excellent distribution
of the valuable rare earths. What I am looking for now is to see the results of the drilling program so that I can de-
termine if this system also has the capacity to host $10 to $20 billion worth of rare earth elements in the ground.
The key to being a participant in rare earth mania lies in demonstrating this big potential, because that is the key to
attracting the big bucks needed to crack the minerals that harbor these very special metals that are going to drive
part of the future economy of the world. A rare earth project may fail the test of economic logic, but it becomes a
development contender if it meets the requirements of long term strategic logic.
D.P: Okay John, most mining analysts seem to only cover 10 or 20 stocks, you seem to cover two of three hundred,
so let’s ask the most obvious question…if you could only buy one stock today, what would it be?
J.K: Right now I would buy Quest Uranium.