Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nassim Nicholas Taleb Shannon Stapleton/Reuters On anniversary of Lehman collapse, author of The Black Swan can say 'I told you so'

On anniversary of Lehman collapse, author of The Black Swan can say 'I told you so'

Margaret Wente

Originally published on Sunday, Sep. 13, 2009 11:09PM EDT">Last updated on Tuesday, Sep. 15, 2009 02:57AM EDT

On the anniversary of the spectacular collapse of Lehman Brothers, Nassim Nicholas Taleb is one of those people who can say, “I told you so.” For the past decade, he's been warning that the global economy has become far more vulnerable to unpredictable events that can cause vast disruption. He famously foresaw the credit crunch that brought the financial system to its knees.

Mr. Taleb is a Wall Street derivatives trader who became an academic specializing in the study of randomness and probability. In May of 2008 he published The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. It argued that most economists and bankers live in a dangerous fantasy world in which they imagine they can control the future. The book takes its name from the fact that all swans were once believed to be white – until black swans turned up in Australia. He loathes bankers, central bankers, and economists, not necessarily in that order, and thinks that banks should be run like public utilities. “My major hobby is teasing people who take themselves and the quality of their knowledge too seriously,” he says. He has advised British Conservative Leader David Cameron, and last week testified before the U.S. Congress on the financial crisis.

Mr. Taleb will speak Tuesday in Toronto to kick off the new season of the Grano lecture series. The theme of this season's series is risk and the next global crisis. Margaret Wente caught up with him on Friday to ask him what (if anything) we've learned.

Margaret Wente: Happy days are here again. The central bankers say the recession is over. The markets are buoyant. Can we relax?

Nassim Taleb: Not at all. Central bankers have no clue. In the first place, the financial crisis was not a black swan. It was perfectly predictable. They ignored the phenomenal buildup in leverage since 1980. They acted like airline pilots who'd never heard of hurricanes.

After finishing The Black Swan, I realized there was a cancer. The cancer was a huge buildup of risk-taking based on the lack of understanding of reality. The second problem is the hidden risk with new financial products. And the third is the interdependence among financial institutions.

MW: But aren't those the very problems we're supposed to be fixing?

MT: They're all still here. Today we still have the same amount of debt, but it belongs to governments. Normally debt would get destroyed and turn to air. Debt is a mistake between lender and borrower, and both should suffer. But the government is socializing all these losses by transforming them into liabilities for your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. What is the effect? The doctor has shown up and relieved the patient's symptoms – and transformed the tumour into a metastatic tumour. We still have the same disease. We still have too much debt, too many big banks, too much state sponsorship of risk-taking. And now we have six million more Americans who are unemployed – a lot more than that if you count hidden unemployment.

MW: Are you saying the U.S. shouldn't have done all those bailouts? What was the alternative?

NT: Blood , sweat and tears. A lot of the growth of the past few years was fake growth from debt. So swallow the losses, be dignified and move on. Suck it up. I gather you're not too impressed with the folks in Washington who are handling this crisis.

Ben Bernanke saved nothing! He shouldn't be allowed in Washington. He's like a doctor who misses the metastatic tumour and says the patient is doing very well. The first thing I would tell Chinese officials is, how can you buy U.S. bonds as long as Larry Summers is there? He's a textbook case of overconfidence. Look what happened to Harvard's finances. They took a lot of risk they didn't understand, and it was a disaster. That's the Larry Summers mentality.

MW: You argue that globalization and modern technology have made the world financial system far more fragile than ever before. How?

NT: Globalization and the Web create worldwide mass effects, whether positive or negative. We have planetary fads that cause random variables to have bigger spikes than ever before. Variables that used to move 10 per cent now move 30 per cent. The whole planet can pull its money out on the same day. The Internet is what bankrupted Iceland! You in Canada destroyed things with your BlackBerry.

MW: You also say that competition among big companies is the Achilles heel of capitalism. What do you mean by that?

NT: If you make corporations compete, sometimes the one that appears most fit for survival is really the one that is most exposed to the negative black swan. What happens is that if you make $4 a share but you're betting the ranch, like GE, the analysts will love you. But if you make only $2 a share with no risk on your book, they'll say you're not doing well. All the incentives are perverse.

MW: We here in Canada feel pretty good because our banks are in good shape and we've escaped relatively lightly. What's your take?

NT: That's true. You guys are slightly more insulated than others. But there's no way you can escape the mistakes made by others. They'll just cost you somewhat less. But if we wind up with hyperinflation, Canada will be the best place in the world to be. You've got energy and minerals. You're not overspecialized. You're self-sufficient.

MW: Up here our government is promising we can get rid of our deficit by 2015. Any views on that?

NT: Governments never got projections right before, so why should they now?

MW: So if everyone is still on the wrong track, what's the right track?

NT: My whole idea is to lower risk in society by developing a system that can resist human error, rather than one where human error rules. The first step is to make sure that no financial institution is too big to fail. Next, make sure governments don't favour big companies. Governments should also decrease the role of economists – they're no more reliable than astrologers, and they do more damage.

MW: Now that you've painted such a rosy outlook, do you have any advice on how individuals can guard against losing 40 per cent of their money in this extremely risky world?

NT: My advice is that instead of investing in medium-risk securities, you should put most of your money in very low-risk securities, and a little bit in high-risk securities. Then you might get a good black swan. Also, it's good to have more than one profession, in case your own profession goes out of style. A Wall Street trader who's also a belly dancer will do a lot better than a trader who winds up driving a taxi.

With mortgage rates dropping, it’s strategy time

Mortgage broker Robert McLister says variable-rate mortgages won’t fall to pre-crisis lows any time soon

It was a little less than a year ago that the global financial crisis began to hit home, which is to say that mortgage rates spiked higher.

Now, the cost of mortgages is coming down. If you're buying a home or renewing a mortgage, it's time to review your options.

Fixed-rate mortgages declined a little last week, but the most dramatic changes can be seen in variable-rate mortgages. For the first time in almost a year, it's possible to get a variable-rate mortgage at the prime rate used by most major financial institutions, which is currently 2.25 per cent.

Pre-crisis, variable-rate mortgages came with discounts that ranged from 0.75 percentage points to as much as 0.9 points off prime. By late last fall, crisis conditions prompted lenders to start charging prime plus a full percentage point or more. Now, some lenders are starting to unwind their crisis-rate premiums.

“Variable-rate mortgages are all over the map right now,” said Gary Siegle, regional manager with the mortgage brokerage firm Invis Inc. in Calgary. “We're seeing them right in the area of prime with some lenders.”

An example of a variable-rate mortgage at prime: ResMor Trust, a small player that deals through mortgage brokers, is offering four-year variable-rate mortgages at prime in all provinces except Quebec. The catch: You have to have your mortgage approved by Sept. 30 and close the purchase within 45 days.

Can variable-rate mortgages fall back to their pre-crisis lows any time soon?

“Definitely, 100 per cent, no,” said Robert McLister, a mortgage broker and author of the Canadian Mortgage Trends blog (canadianmortgagetrends.com). “Could they get a little below prime? Definitely.”

Canadian household wealth rebounds

For the first time in three quarters, Canadian household net worth grew, reflecting stock market gains; use of credit also increased, but this was more than offset by asset growth

Virginia Galt

Globe and Mail Update

Canadian households were wealthier in the second quarter of this year after losing ground in the three previous quarters, with stock market gains leading the recovery, Statistics Canada said Monday.

Household net worth advanced by $141-billion to $5.6-trillion.

“Canadian stock markets recovered partially in the second quarter, with the S&P/Toronto Stock Exchange composite index up nearly 20 per cent,” Statscan said.

“The resulting increase in the value of household financial assets (including shares, mutual funds and pension assets) was the principal factor behind the rise in household net worth,” Statscan wrote in a report on national balance sheet accounts.

The use of credit also rose more quickly in the quarter, with notable borrowing for mortgages as resale housing markets picked up, and an upswing in consumer credit as car sales increased.

“Despite the growth in credit market debt, households' debt relative to net worth edged down during the second quarter, as gains in assets more than offset the increase in liabilities,” Statscan said.

Households had 24.8 cents of debt for every dollar of net worth, compared with 24.9 cents in the first quarter.

On balance, “this was a positive report as it suggests that, with the worst of the economic and financial crises now behind us, Canadian householders are beginning the slow process of repairing the damage done to their balance sheets,” Toronto-Dominion Bank economist Millan Mulraine said in a research note.

“Moreover, with the recession appearing to have come to an end, we are likely to see further improvement in households' net worth in the coming quarters as the economy grows,” Mr. Mulraine said.

He noted that, despite the improvement in the second quarter, household net worth remains 6.1 per cent below its peak of $6-trillion, reached in the second quarter of 2008.

Although household net worth increased, Statistics Canada reported that net worth of corporations fell by $208-billion in the second quarter.

In the public sector, government levels of debt rose in the second quarter to 39.8 per cent of the economy from 38.3 per cent in the previous three months and from 36 per cent last year.

With a file from The Canadian Press

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