
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Volume Leaders TSX And More

Volume Leaders

SymbolNameLast TradeChangeVolumeRelated Info
BBD-B.TOBOMBARDIER INC., CL. B, SV3.6012:35PM EDTDown 0.09 (2.44%)12,313,547Chart, Profile, More
OSK.TOOSISKO MINING CORPORATION8.0312:36PM EDTDown 0.36 (4.29%)3,748,022Chart, Profile, More
K.TOKINROSS GOLD CORP.7.8512:36PM EDTUp 0.18 (2.35%)3,314,935Chart, More
MFC.TOMANULIFE FIN12.2812:36PM EDTUp 0.09 (0.74%)2,957,262Chart, Profile, More
UUU.TOURANIUM ONE INC.2.7012:30PM EDTUp 0.11 (4.25%)2,595,494Chart, Profile, More
SU.TOSUNCOR ENERGY INC.29.4412:36PM EDTUp 0.37 (1.27%)2,360,152Chart, Profile, More
VT.TOVITERRA INC.15.9612:26PM EDTDown 0.02 (0.13%)2,296,970Chart, Profile, More
RON.TORONA INC.10.2312:35PM EDTUp 0.09 (0.89%)2,025,625Chart, Profile, More
SJR-B.TOSHAW COMMUNICATIONS INC., CL.B,19.4212:35PM EDTDown 0.08 (0.41%)1,871,133Chart, Profile, More
ECA.TOENCANA CORP.21.8512:36PM EDTDown 0.43 (1.93%)1,733,376Chart, Profile, More
NXY.TONEXEN INC.17.3812:37PM EDTUp 0.57 (3.39%)1,707,659Chart, Profile, More
YRI.TOYAMANA GOLD INC13.8112:36PM EDTUp 0.06 (0.44%)1,590,319Chart, Profile, More
ELD.TOELDORADO GOLD11.8712:36PM EDTUp 0.03 (0.25%)1,581,952Chart, Profile, More
ABX.TOBARRICK GOLD CORPORATION37.5912:37PM EDTDown 0.06 (0.16%)1,574,788Chart, Profile, More
TLM.TOTALISMAN ENERGY INC.11.3812:36PM EDTUp 0.21 (1.88%)1,501,343Chart, Profile, More
AVR.TOAVION GOLD CORPORATION0.5912:36PM EDT0.00 (0.00%)1,470,476Chart, More
LUN.TOLUNDIN MINING CORP.4.2312:36PM EDTDown 0.09 (2.08%)1,444,097Chart, Profile, More
PSN.TOPOSEIDON CONCEPTS CORP12.8812:37PM EDTUp 1.29 (11.13%)1,426,597Chart, More
RY.TOROYAL BANK OF CANADA54.0012:37PM EDTUp 0.63 (1.18%)1,386,378Chart, Profile, More
BTE.TOBAYTEX ENERGY CORP.47.3912:37PM EDTDown 2.18 (4.40%)1,367,797Chart, More
CMK.TOCLINE MINING CORP0.8812:31PM EDTDown 0.02 (2.22%)1,306,389Chart, Profile, More
BTO.TOB2GOLD CORP.3.2612:35PM EDTDown 0.02 (0.61%)1,187,905Chart, Profile, More
G.TOGOLDCORP INC35.1712:37PM EDTDown 0.43 (1.21%)1,187,798Chart, Profile, More
SLF.TOSUN LIFE FINANCIAL INC.22.3212:37PM EDTUp 0.19 (0.86%)1,127,421Chart, Profile, More
CPG.TOCRESCENT POINT ENERGY CORP.43.0412:37PM EDTUp 2.12 (5.18%)1,083,073Chart, Profile, More