Markets were green all day...

a relief rally after the trouncing that we all experienced on Thursday,
But BWR well it was virtually dead in the water with no momo to recover what it lost Thursday.

So I sat with a $2000.00 paper loss over this weekend, due to the buy that I made on Thursday during the severe down draft in BWR (while away from my PC screen).
I placed a "stink bid" at 3.33 when the stock was flying high at $3.43+ prior to 2:00 Pm Thursday.
I had to attend a business meeting,and returned to learn that my "stink bid" was filled AND
BWR continued downward to about 3.19 OUCH!

So now we all must wait till the momo makers return attention to BWR for the next run thru the 2007 high of 3.69. The anticipation is breathtaking, yawn :-)